Valentin Schuster

Drum­mer and Tea­cher


“There was always music at home“

Being born into a musi­cal family in Lower Aus­tria in 1986, I was alre­ady  expo­sed to a broad range of music from an early age. After a few years of piano les­sons I picked up the drums when I was 12 and then spent a large part of my teenage years on the drum stool play­ing for various local bands.

After one year with the Lower Aus­trian army band (and adding some march drum­ming to my reper­toire) I stu­died for six years with Howard Cur­tis and Wolf­gang Tozzi at the “Kunst­uni­ver­si­tät Graz”, Aus­tria.

I moved to Ber­lin in 2011 after get­ting my degrees in jazz drums and instru­men­tal pedago­gics. Curr­ently I teach at the “Neue Musik­schule Ber­nau” and — apart from some side pro­jects — I am working with my main bands Edi Nulz and Per­oPero.



Since 2012 I have been tea­ching drums and per­cus­sion at the „Neue Musik­schule Ber­nau”.
I also give pri­vate les­sons via Zoom/Skype/etc. or — if you live in or around Ber­lin — I can also come to your place or you come by my jam-packed rehear­sal space.
Beg­in­ners are as wel­come as inter­me­dia­tes and also pro­fes­sio­nal drum­mers who want to work with me on a spe­ci­fic thing.
Among other sub­jects my tea­ching strengths are: hand/foot tech­ni­que, sight­re­a­ding, timing/what is this thing cal­led „Groove“???, impro­vi­sa­tion, polyrhythms/polymeters, sty­li­stic ana­ly­sis, etc…

Price on request, drop me a line here.


Edi Nulz

“Mangy cham­ber punk jazz”

What seems to be pure anar­chy is in fact carefully cho­reo­gra­phed music that con­stantly pulls the rug from under you: the bass cla­ri­net can be any­thing from a bass instru­ment to a solo sin­ger, the gui­tar takes the rhythm but also the bass or solo parts, while the drums deftly link all these ele­ments.
This is devil-may-care music, a hila­rious tigh­trope walk bet­ween insa­nity and pre­cis­ion. 
Edi Nulz: Grand audio drama, baby.

Sieg­mar Bre­cher – bass cla­ri­net
Julian Adam Pajzs – gui­tar
Valen­tin Schus­ter – drums

Adele Neuhauser + Edi Nulz — MYTHOS

Dra­ma­tic and gory, at the same time laco­nic, almost cool – that’s how Antique Greek myths epi­to­mize human (and godly) weak­ne­s­ses and their fateful con­se­quen­ces. No other actress would seem more pre­desti­ned to bring them to life than the ver­sa­tile cha­rac­ter actress Adele Neu­hau­ser. And no other band is bet­ter to accom­pany her than the bor­der and genre-brea­king trio Edi Nulz.
Fol­lo­wing the suc­cess of their lite­ra­ture and music col­lage “Die letz­ten ihrer Art” (Last Chance to See), with tra­vel reports by the cult aut­hor Dou­glas Adams, “Mythos” is the highly anti­ci­pa­ted new pro­gramme from the star actress with her three con­ge­nial musi­ci­ans. The text is based on the epony­mous best­sel­ler by Bri­tish come­dian and mas­ter sto­rytel­ler Ste­phen Fry.
In “Mythos” Adele Neu­hau­ser also revi­sits her bio­gra­phi­cal roots: Born in Athens, she spent the early years of her life tog­e­ther with her Greek father. What’s more, there is a second family con­nec­tion in “Mythos”, which has repea­tedly pro­ven its excel­lence: Adele Neuhauser’s son Julian Adam Pajzs bestows the “cham­ber punk jazz” sound of Edi Nulz on gui­tars.


Per­oPero is a pro­gres­sive-metal duo hai­ling from Aus­tria and based in Ber­lin.
Their com­plex songs com­bine dri­ving drums and gor­dian gui­tar play­ing with savage ana­lo­gue syn­the­si­zers all sup­port­ing an explo­sive mix­ture of chants and screams about con­spi­ra­cies and doomsday sce­na­rios.
All com­ple­tely serious and not at all iro­nic — or is that fake news? The only way to find out is to lis­ten to their records and hear for yours­elf.
In any case, bring your tin­foil hats!
All hail Grog­nar, galac­tic over­lord!!!

Julian Adam Pajzs – gui­tar, lead vocals, synth pro­gramming
Valen­tin Schus­ter – drums, back­ing vocals

The True Harry Nulz

Just ima­gine one of Switzerland’s finest jazz bands mer­ging with its Aus­trian coun­ter­part: the result would be a first-class tran­sal­pine music event with front-row seats for ever­yone in the audi­to­rium.

But wait a moment: Why “would be“? This con­glo­me­rate alre­ady exists, and it’s well on the way to gai­ning cult sta­tus. The Swiss quar­tet “The Great Harry Hill­man” plus the Aus­trian trio “Edi Nulz” add up to the sep­tet “The True Harry Nulz”: two bass cla­ri­nets, two gui­tars, two drum­sets and an elec­tric bass gua­ran­tee brainy arran­ge­ments, uni­sono ste­reo effects and impro­vi­sa­tio­nal erup­ti­ons (or rather dis­rup­ti­ons?)…

Aus­tro-Hel­ve­tian power at its finest! “Ser­vus pfiat di“ and “Ade messi“!

Sieg­mar Bre­cher (bcl), Nils Fischer (bcl), Julian Adam Pajzs (g), David Koch (g), Samuel Huwy­ler (eb), Valen­tin Schus­ter (dr), Domi­nik Mah­nig (dr)

Groovin’ Organization

Com­pany Coa­ching through Music

We help orga­niza­ti­ons to become more natu­rally agile, pro­duc­tive and reso­nant 
– with music as a meta­phor, model and trans­for­ma­tive power, other crea­tive methods and up-to-date con­sul­ting know-how.

Nordic Grooves Musikworkshop

Since 2011 I am the artis­tic direc­tor of the work­shop „Nor­dic Groo­ves“ in Lower Aus­tria. I also teach ensem­ble clas­ses and drums there.
„Nor­dic Groo­ves“ is ideal for all those that want to rock hard, sing their favou­rite pop tune or get the blues. Funky riffs and swin­ging jazz-stan­dards are also on the menu – as long as it is fun and it groo­ves!

Valentin Schuster

Drum­mer and Tea­cher


01.05.24.  CRUTCHES, NSL Leip­zig (D)

02.05.24.  CRUTCHES, Blech Halle (D)

03.05.24.  CRUTCHES, Aus­land Ber­lin (D)

04.05.24.  CRUTCHES, White Cube Ber­ge­dorf (D)

05.05.24.  CRUTCHES, Freak­show Würz­burg (D)

06.05.24.  CRUTCHES, C‑Keller Wei­mar (D)

07.05.24.  CRUTCHES, Work­shop, HfM Wei­mar (D)

24.05.24   The True Harry Nulz, Jazz­fes­ti­val Schaff­hau­sen (CH)

08.06.24   Trio Mar­mo­lata, Jazz­fes­ti­val Deutsch-Wagram (A)

02.07.24   CRUTCHES, Süd­ti­rol Jazz­fes­ti­val (I)

13.07.24   Trio Mar­mo­lata, Musik­fo­rum Viktring (A)

08.–11.08.24 co-direc­ting Bezau Beatz (A)

13.09.24   Per­oPero, Supa­molly Ber­lin (D)

14.09.24   Per­oPero, JUKZ Open Air Rhau­der­fehn (D)

10.10.24   with Rai­nald Grebe, TBA, Ber­lin (D)

02.11.24   Edi Nulz, Halle424 Ham­burg (D) 





The True Harry Nulz


Edi Nulz

Meganan (2021)

Edi Nulz

El Perro Grande (2018)

Edi Nulz

An der vul­gä­ren Kante (2016)

Edi Nulz

Ultra­karl (2013)

Edi Nulz

Jetzt (2012)


Mas­sive Tales of Doom (2023)


Lizards (2017)


Milk (2015)

Skin Ban

Rhyth­mi­sche Neu­men (2012)

Skin Ban

Eine Suite in 4 Tei­len (2011)

Skin Ban

gehen ein­kau­fen (2010)


Hel­les­pont (2015)


Live @ Jazz­werk­statt Graz (2011)


All PDFs are free to down­load — howe­ver, I would app­re­ciate dona­ti­ons of around 1€-5€ per down­load. Thanks!